
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catch Up!

  Here is a catch up of our beautiful baby boy's life.

From the beginning....

Here he is only a few months in the oven..............................half way through....

Little peanut half way through....

2 days before the little stinker decided to come 3 1/2 weeks early...

Our little beauty 2 days in the world in the comfort of his Mommy and loving Aunt Sissy. He entered this world at 3:13 a.m. on October 26th, 2010. Weighing only 5 lbs 12 ozs and 21 1/2 inches long. He left the hospital at just 5 lbs 5 ozs. But he gained a few pounds with in just a short week.

Only a week old safe in his Mommy and Daddy's arms..

Only 1 and  2 months old :-) Just a little peanut

Now our little guy is 3 months old and loosing his hair.. :-( He is now sleeping all the way through the night. He is no longer needing to be swaddled and is such a happy baby with all his smiles and coos.. He is a thumb sucker and no more Nuk.

At 4 momths is now eating cereal, supplementing formula with breast feeding and still sleeping through the night. He can now roll from his stomach to back and talks up a storm, just like his Mommy. He is going to bed at 7 and waking up at around 7-9. He is around 13 lbs and 25 inches long. 

Ezra is now 5 moths old and not only sleeping through the night but is not waking up until you pretty much wake him up, lol. He is a super happy baby, laughing, and cooing all the time. He is only eating formula now due to him having issues with throwing up. He is sitting up in his bumbo seat learning how to sit up on his own. He is very alert and interesting in every single thing..

 Oh my goodness, our boy is now 6 months. He is 15 lbs 26.5 inches long. He is rolling now all directions. Have been found in bed on stomach ready to crawl position. He is now eating baby food and loving all his veggies and fruits. He is still sleeping all night long as well as mornings. He is taking fewer naps and is sitting up short periods of time by himself. He is trying to learn how to use his hands. He has found his hands and feet and stares at them for long periods of time. He still sucks his thumb. He is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Always smiling and laughing. He smiles at his Mommy and Daddy and pretty much anyone that smiles at him. He seems to really like men. He stares at them and smiles more than girls. He hugs you and cuddles.

 Our little boy is growing so fast. He is now 7 months old and just about 20 lbs. He has grown over night it seems. He is sitting up all by himself for long periods of time. He is pulling himself up from certain positions into the sitting position. He is not yet playing with anything, but is super close. He grabs anything that touches him with a death grip, including Mommy's hair..haha. He is still sleeping all night. Ezra is ready to break like 8 teeth. They are ready to pop any day now and he is getting cranky. But, he has seemed to be an easy fix so far with some natural medicine. there will be much more to add for this month, but for now he is only a week in. :-)

With his Great Great Gramie. 
With his aunt sissy. 

Passed out in NYC. 

Well that is it for now. More to come..........


  1. PUMPKIN PIE! He is so perfect. So so perfect. Look how big he is now, sitting on Gram's lap! He's huge! Thank you for making this blog honey. I love all of these pictures. Your blonde hair looks amazing!
